Abstracts of Reports

List of abstracts not included in the list of my publications. Names of reports are translated according to the language of the page. Names of digests are given in transliteration from Cyrillic.
I do not consider it necessary to post texts in the net, because the reports are relevant only during conferences. But there are exceptions for the last publicatons.

Abstracts of reports at conferences, congresses, meetings

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2023) Towards the study of the water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera, Hydrophiloidea) of Portugal. Ukrainska Entomofaunistyka.− 2023.− T. 14, issue 2. − P. 161-162. (In Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2023) Review of the author’s model of end-to-end environmental education from the standpoint of modern science. Proceedings of the International scientific practical conference «Environment for the future by science education» (June 1-2, 2023). Uzhhorod: PP «AUTDOR-SHARK», 2023. – 136 p. 40−42.

Brechka, N. M., Protsenko, O. S., Kolot, N. V., Shatrovskiy, A. G., Scherbak, O. V., Korenieva, Ye. M., Bondarenko, V. O. (2022) Modern aspects to correction of reproductive disorders in male rats. Innovations and prospects of world science: Proceedings of the 6th International scientific and practical conference.. Vancouver:  Perfect Publishing. P. 37−42.

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2021) Experience in the development of a polytomic identification key on the example of beetles of the genus Helophorus F. (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea: Helophoridae). Abstracts of the scientific conference “Zoologiya v suchasnomu switi: wyklyky XXI stolittia” (m. Kyiv, Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1-3 June, 2021). Kyiv. P. 107. (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2020) The Matrix of the Hierarchy of Environmental Problems. Pedagogica zdorovya: Materials of the X All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference (Kharkiv, April 23-24, 2020). [3 pages]. (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2019) Towards the solve of the problems of areals’ nomenclature on the example of beetles from the superfamily water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea). International Zoological Conference “Fauna Ukrainy na mezhi XX-XXI st. Stan and bioriznomanittya ecosystem priridoohoronnykh territoriy”, prysviachena 220 richnytsy vid dnia narodzhennia O. Zavadsky, [12-15 September 2019] : Zb. mat. – Lviv : SPOLOM. 200 pp. P. 183-185. (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2019). Implementation of the structural-hierarchical construction of natural systems in the practice of teaching natural disciplines. Pryrodnycha nauka i osvita: Suchasnyy stan i perspektyvy rozvytku: Materialy II Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi conferentsiyi (20-22 September 2019 r., m. Kharkiv) / for the editorial staff. T. Yu. Markina, Doctor in Biology A. B. Chapligina, Doctor in Biology, T. E. Komisova, PhD. Kharkiv: KhNPU, 213 pp. P. 192-194 (in Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2019) Experience in organizing international research of biodiversity in the Shatsk National Nature Park. Pryrodnycha nauka i osvita: Suchasnyy stan i perspektyvy rozvytku: materialy II Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi (20-22 September 2019 r., m. Kharkiv / for the editorial staff. T. Yu. Markina, Doctor in Biology A. B. Chapligina, Doctor in Biology, T. E. Komisova, PhD. Kharkiv: KhNPU, 213 pp. P. 194-196 (in Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2018) Theoretical foundations for managing populations of species-introducents. Fundamentalʹni i prykladni problemy suchasnoyi ekolohiyi ta zakhystu roslyn: Materialy Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. conf. fakulʹtetu zakhystu roslyn Kharkivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho ahrarnoho universytetu im. V. V. Dokuchayeva, 11−12 October 2018 r .Kharkiv: KhNAU. P. 138-139. (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2018) Experience of using the Moodle system in teaching practice. Dystantsiyne navchannya – start iz sʹohodennya v maybutnye : Materialy IV Vseukrayinsʹkoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi z mizhnarodnoyu uchastyu, 19-20 kvitnya 2018 r., Kharkiv : KHNU imeni V. N. Karazina. P. 42-45 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2018) The current state of the study of the superfamily of water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophyloidea) of the Palearctic. IX zʺyizd Ukrayinsʹkoho entomolohichnoho tovarystva (m. Kharkiv, 20–23 August 2018 r.) : Tezy dop./ Zag. ed. prof. V. L. Meshkova. – H.: FOP Brovin O. V. P. 136-137. (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2018) An integrative approach to the formation of professional competencies in a cross-cutting education system. Kompetentnisnyy pidkhid v osviti ta profesiyniy diyalʹnosti : Materialy Vseukrayinsʹkoyi naukovo-metodychnoyi konferentsiyi (19-20 April 2018 r.). KH. : KHNU imeni V. N. Karazina. P. 221-223. (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2017) Creative contribution of A. Z. Zlotin to the training of livestock breeders. Prirodnich nauka y osvita: suchasnyi stan i perspektivi rozvitku: Mater. Mіzhnarod. naukovo-prakt. Conf. (22-24 Veresnya 2017 r., m. Kharkiv) / zag. edit.: Doctor of Biological Sciences T. Y. Markinoi, Doctor of Biological Sciences L. P. Kharchenko. Kharkiv : KHNPU. P. 9−10 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2017) Results of the research of the superfamily of water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea) of the fauna of Ukraine. Fauna Ukrainy na mezhi XX-XXI stolit. All-Ukrainian Zoology Conference (12-16 Veresnya 2017 r.: Kharkiv): Tezi dopovidey. Kharkiv. P. 97–98 (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2016) The latest classifications of aquatic biotopes and their implementation in the practice of hydrobiological research. Materialy IV Naukovo-praktichnogo conferentsii «Actualnye problemy biotechnologii ta pryrodokorystuvannia», 9 Lystopada 2016 r. Kharkiv: NMC KhSZVA.  P. 85 (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2016) Ethno-social origins of waste management. Environmental and man-made safety of settlements of Ukraine: Problems of utilization and removal of household and industrial waste (ecological-social, technical and legal problems): Materials of the scientific and practical conference (Kharkiv, October 4-6, 2016) / zag. red. O. I. Bondar & A. P. Hetman.  Kharkiv. P. 115–116.

Shatrovskiy, A. G., Kravchenko, A. M. (2016) Results of research of beetles of the superfamilies Hydrophiloidea, Staphylinoidea and Byrrhoidea of the Shatsk National Natural Park. Materialy naukovoyi konferentsiyi «Stan i bioriznomanittya ekosystem Shatsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho pryrodnoho parku ta inshykh pryrodookhoronnykh terytoriy», smt Shatsʹk, 8-11 veresnya 2016 r. Lʹviv: SPOLOM. P. 101–103 (In Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2016) Faunistic complexes of beetles of the superfamily water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera, Hydrophiloidea) of the Palearctic. I (IV) Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna conferentsiya «Problemy suchasnoyi ento-molohiyi», Uzhhorod, 15-17 September 2016 r.: Tezy dop. Ukrainian Entomofaunistics. Vol. 7, No. 3. P. 98–99 (in Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G., Severskaya, E. Yu., Perekopskaya, T. N.  (2015) Eco-ethological classification of fishes. Materialy Tretʹoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi «Aktualʹni pytannya biotekhnolohiyi ta pryrodokorystuvannya», 19 November 2015 r. P. 65 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G., Mamenko, A. M., (2015) Evolutionary approach in the methodology of environmental education. Materialy Tretʹoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi «Aktualʹni pytannya biotekhnolohiyi ta pryrodokorystuvannya, 19 November 2015. P. 64 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2014) Development of the evolutionary approach of E. I. Lukin in teaching methodology. Kharkivsʹki zoolohichni chytannya pamʺyati profesora Yukhyma Lukina: Mater. pershykh zoolohichnykh chytanʹ prysvyachenykh pamʺyati Yukhyma Lukina (6-10 October 2014 roku, Kharkiv, Ukrayina). P.4–5 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2014) Experience in the implementation of IT-technologies in the study of insects of the superfamily scavenger water beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidea). «Досягнення і перспективи ентомологічних досліджень»: Тези доп. науково-практ. конф., присвяченій 70-річчю з дня заснування кафедри ентомології ім. проф. М. П. Дядечка. К.: НУБІП. [1 с.] (in Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. G., Pshenichna, E. A., Tyshkovets, A. V., Lykova, M. V., Solovey, A. S., Popov, A. I. (2013) Development of an urban environment monitoring system based on biota research. Ratsionalʹne vykorystannya ta zberezhennya pryrodnykh resursiv: Biolohichni resursy : Materialy Vseukrayinsʹkoyi nauk.-prakt. konf. molodykh vchenykh, aspirantiv, studentiv (30-31 October 2013) / Donetskyy natsionalʹnyy tekhnichnyy universytet, Donetsk P. 36. (in Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2013) Coleoptera insects of the superfamily water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophiloidae) fauna of Ukraine: degree of knowledge and immediate prospects for generalizations. Hydroentomologiya v Rossii i sopredel’nykh stranakh : materialy V Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma po amfibioticheskim i vodnym nasekomym / Institut biologii vnutrennikh vod im. I. D. Papanina RAN. Yaroslavl: Publishing house «Filigran». P. 245–246 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2013) Experience in the implementation of cross-cutting environmental education in the conditions of schools and universities in Ukraine. Tsili zbalansovanoho rozvytku Ukrayiny : Materialy Mizhnar. konf. (Kyyiv, 18-19 June 2013 r.). Kyiv: Center for Environmental Education and Information. P. 466–469 (in Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2013) Entomological knowledge in the formation of professional competence of modern specialists. VIII Zʺyizd HO «Ukrayinsʹke entomolohichne tovarystvo», 26–30 serpnya 2013 r., Kyyiv. Kyiv: Publishing Center of NUBIP of Ukraine. P. 195–196 (in Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G., Vergeles, Yu. I., Tkachenko, Ya. I., Kharlan, N. A., Margiani, E. M. (2013) Biological indication of the state of the rivers of the city of Kharkov, based on the study of algoflora. Rehionalʹni ekolohichni problemy: Naukovo-metodychni i prykladni aspekty yikh vyrishennya : Materialy VI Mizhnarodnoyi naukovoyi konferentsiyi studentiv, mahistrantiv i aspirantiv, 9-11 September 2013 r., Odesa. P. 32-33 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A., Vergeles, Yu., Klinkovskaya, K., Zaychenko, L., Zhidkikh, I., Lykova, M., Svetikha, Ya. (2012) Study of the dynamics of soil mesofauna in the protected area of the city. Dynamika bioriznomanittya 2012 : zb. nauk. pratsʹ / for red. I. Zagorodniuk; Hold zakl. “Taras Shevchenko Lugan. Nat. University”. P. 179 (in Ukrainian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G., Shatrovskaya, V. I., Zhidkikh, I. O., Klinkovskaya, K. R., Gnatenko, Yu. I. (2012) Towards the study of the biota of urban protected areas in the the example of the botanical garden of Kharkiv National University. Strukturno-funktsional’nyye izmeneniya v populyatsiyakh i soobshchestvakh na territoriyakh s raznym urovnem antropogennoy nagruzki : Materialy XII Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. ekolog. konf., 9-12 Oct. 2012 g., g. Belgorod. Belgorod: EH “Belgorod”. P. 238–239 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. (2011) The influence of the cultural environment on the features of communications. Vykladannya mov u vyshchykh navchalʹnykh zakladakh osvity na suchasnomu etapi: Mizhpredmetni zvʺyazky: Tezy XV Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi. 2–4 June 2011 roku. Kharkiv: KhNU. P. 369–370 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. Дьякова В. (2007) Towards the study of the evolutionary relationships of aquatic beetles of the genus Cercyon Leach (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) Proceeding of III International Young Scientists Conference “Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution” dedicated to the 100 Anniversary from birth of famous Ukrainian lichenologist Maria Makarevich (Odessa, 15–18 May 2007).Одеса: «Печатный дом». С.109.

Shatrovskiy, A. G., Vovk, D. V., Diakova, V. O. (2007) Towards the study of water scavenger beetles of the genus Cercyon Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) in the Palearctic. X Zʺyizd Ukrayinsʹkoho entomolohichnoho tovarystva: Nizhyn, 14–18 August 2007 r.: Tezy dop. Kyiv. P. 25 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. G. Gramma, V. N., Diakova, V. O. (2006) Materials for the protection of populations of rare aquatic beetles (Coleoptera: Haliplidae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae) of Ukraine. Sovremennyye problemy populyatsionnoy ekologii: Materialy IX Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy ekologicheskoy konferentsii. G. Belgorod, 2–5 oktyabrya 2006. Belgorod: EH POLITERRA. p. 45–46 (In Russian).

Shatrovskiy, A. (2004) Institutional Fundamentals of the Integrated MNC into the Former Soviet Union. Countries Economy 7th IIRA European Congress: Track 3: Industrial relations in the context of the euro and the enlargement. Portugal. Ref. No 150.

Shatrovskiy, A.  (2003) A structural hierarchical approach to the analysis of market components of Ukraine. Yaku Ukrayinu my buduyemo i yaku khochemo zbuduvaty: Materialy do kruhloho stolu. Kharkiv. P. 19. (In Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (2002) The need for ethnological expertise of legal documents. Problemy rozvytku maloho biznesu. Tinʹovyy biznes. Kharkiv – Lʹviv. Tez. dop. druhoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi conferentsiyi. Kharkiv. P. 51–54. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (2001) The use of knowledge of the structural ecological organisation of natural systems in the implementation of environmental education. Ekolohichna osvita i vykhovannya: Dosvid ta perspektyvy: Materialy Vseukrayinsʹkoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi conferentsiyi. Kyiv: Center for Environmental Education and Information. P. 68-71. (In Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (2000) Three approaches to the implementation of environmental education. Ecolohiya Kharkivshchyny: stan, problemy, perspektyvy: Tez. Dop. Naukovo-praktychnoyi conf.: Kharkiv 18 May 2000 r. –  Kharkiv. P. 159-160. (In Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1999) Conditions for macroeconomic training of marketers. Materialy IV Mizhnarod. naukovo-praktychnoyi conf. 19-22 May 2000 r. Kyiv − Yalta: KNEU. P. 117-118. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A., Semeniak, I. (1999) Ethnological foundations of marketing research. Marketynh: teoriya i praktyka:Materialy IV Mizhnarod. naukovo-praktychnoyi conf. 19-22 May 1999 r. Kyiv − Yalta: KNEU.. С. 186–187. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A., Astalhova, E. (1998) Insects and arachnids as objects of study of the basic school curriculum. V Zʺyizd Ukrayinsʹkoho entomolohichnoho tovarystva: Kharkiv, 7-11 September 1998 r.: Tezy dop. Kyiv. P. 181. (In Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A., Stolyar, S. (1998) Homology and anatomy of body parts at water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae). V Zʺyizd Ukrayinsʹkoho entomolohichnoho tovarystva: Kharkiv, 7-11 September 1998 r.: Tezy dop. Kyiv. P. 182. (In Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1998) Integrated approach in the environmental studying. Problemy ekolohichnoyi osvity ta vykhovannya v suchasnykh umovakh: Zbirnyk dop. Kharkiv. С. 17–18. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1996) Environmental aspects of humanitarianization of education in the region based on the experience of a private university. Struktura osvity v rehioni: Problemy optymizatsiyi: Materialy mizhnarod. nauk.-prakt. Conf. 12-14 December 1996 r. Kharkiv: Avesta. P. 117–119. (In Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1996) Information support for teaching the integrated course “Natural Science”. Aktualʹni pytannya vprovadzhennya infor-matsiynykh tekhnolohiy u dokumentalʹno-komunikatsiyni sfery: Materialy Tretʹoho mizhnarodnoho seminaru 11-13 September 1996 roku. Kharkiv. P. 21–22. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1996) Humanization of natural science education in secondary schools through the introduction of the program of the cross-cutting integrated course “Natural Science” into teaching practice. Humanistic functions of education and the peculiarities of their implementation in a crisis society. Kharkiv. Dep. in NIIVO, № 129–96 of 19.09.96. P. 387–399 (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1996) Introduction of an integrated natural science course into teaching practice. Mezhregional’naya studencheskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya: «Aktual’nyye problemy gumanitarnykh nauk i ikh informatsionnoye obespecheniye». Kharkiv. P. 25–26. (In Russian)

Nemets, L. , Nemets, K., Shatrovskiy, A. (1994) Optimization of intra-subject and inter-subject communications in a unified system of continuous environmental education and upbringing. International scientific and practical conference “Problemy sozdaniya yedinoy sistemy ekologicheskogo obrazovaniya i vospitaniya v Ukraine: Kharkiv, 7-9 December 1994 g.” Kharkiv, P. 70–72. (In Russian)

Nemets, L., Shatrovskiy, A. (1994) Psychological and pedagogical foundations of environmental education and upbringing of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. International scientific and practical conference “Problemy sozdaniya yedinoy sistemy ekologicheskogo obrazovaniya i vospitaniya v Ukraine: Kharkiv, 7-9 December 1994 g.” Kharkiv, P. 133–135. (In Russian)

Gramma, V., Shatrovskiy, A. (1992) Ecologo-faunistic characteristics of aquatic insects (Hemiptera, Coleoptera) of the Black Sea State Reserve. Prirodnyye kompleksy Chernomorskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. P. 77–82. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A.  (1992) Classification of life forms of scavenger water beetles (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae). IV Zʺyizd Ukrayinsʹkoho entomolohichnoho tovarystva: Tezy dop. Kharkiv. P. 184. (In Ukrainian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1988) Solution of the problems of the Hydrophiloids (Coleoptera, Hydrophiloidea) systematics on the basis of immature stages study. XII International Symposium on the Entomofauna of Central Europe. Kyiv, September 25-30, 1988: Thesis. acc. Kyiv: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. P. 147.

Shatrovskiy, A. (1987) Some results of the study of scavenger water beetles (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) of the fauna of the Ukrainian SSR. III S”yezd Ukrainskogo entomologicheskogo obshchestva: Tez. dokl. (Kanev, September. 1987 g.). Kyiv: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. P. 249. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1985) Patterns of the geographical distribution of species groups of scavenger water beetles of the genus Laccobius Er. (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae). VIII Vsesoyuznaya zoogeograicheskaya konferentsiya. Leningrad, 8 February 1985 g.: Tez. dokl. M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.P. 409. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1984) Species composition and geographical distribution of scavenger water beetles (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) in the European Part of the USSR and the Caucasus. IX Sezd Vsesoyuznogo entomologicheskogo obshchestva: Tez. dokl. (Kiyev, okt. 1984 g.). Pt. 2. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. P. 249. (In Russian)

Shatrovskiy, A. (1980) Towards the study of water beetles of the south-east of the Left-bank Ukraine. Issledovaniya po entomologii i akarologii na Ukraine: Tez. dokl. II s”yezda UEO, 1–3 October. 1980 g., Uzhgorod – Kyiv: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. P. 77–78. (In Russian)

Petrusenko, А., Osipova, М., Shatrovskiy, A. (1978) Invertebrates of biogeocenoses of the Volyzhin Forest section of the Black Sea State Reserve. 50 Let Chernomorskomu Gosudarstvennomu Zapovedniku: Materialy respubl. seminara-soveshch. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. P. 121–123. (In Russian)